
I am Keri Woods.

♥️ Married to a resilient, vibrant, peacemaking, artistic, quiet, generous, gentle, definitive, hopeful man, @jeremiahjwoods.

💝Mommy to three powerful, loving, joyful, stunning, children who I purposefully spend my life on every day. Their lives are making me better and aging me.

💛Health coach for Wholly Healthy, a company my husband and I have built the past 3 years.

✨My favorite thing about coaching is watching what happens to people when they feel loved, valuable, and invited to be powerful.

👏🏼A current growth goal for me is respecting the purpose of small and large group gatherings and practicing releasing what I carry into those settings both personally and professionally.

🤚🏼One focus I keep each day is: be generous with what I have. If I have it to give, give. Time, attention, resource, love, prayer, comfort, touch, affirmation, correction, encouragement, wisdom, insight. If I have it to give, give.

🦋The greatest self-esteem builder of my life was my success in sports.

🗻One of the most humbling aspects of my journey was how difficult it was for me to learn within the conventional public-school system. My grades were mostly A’s, but I know how much I struggled.

🏠I’ve lived in Chico, California, Eugene, Oregon, Portland, Oregon, Sienna, Italy, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Pondicherry, India, Cypress, Texas, Houston, Texas, and Shreveport, Louisiana.

🥰I feel most loved through quality time, heart to heart interaction and connection.

🗒I keep everything I am responsible to remember on lists and calendars, not in my memory space. I keep the most important things there: people, words, and experiences.

🎯My idea of recreation is learning, reading, writing, being still, and being alone. I’m an introvert.

👊🏼I am not traditional, only relational. If I need to celebrate holidays to reap connection, I gladly will.

📸I take photos to capture the moments I’m losing with those I love.

⚖️I believe structure and order are the birthing place of substance and peace.

🧩My levels of organization generate the quality of my stewardship.

⭐️Reflection and application are key for my healthy soul functioning.

💥I’m a passionate Italian who always needs refining, and a delicate woman who must be protected.

🤗 I wouldn’t live well without hugs.

🍃 The wind on my skin settles my soul and reminds me to think broader than the details. 

🌷 My score on the enneagram is 4; congruent with the composition of this profile.

🔑 Today I sang out loud I’ll Give Thanks by Housefires. 

👍🏼 I like routine; the predictability of process enables me to give myself more freely to others. 

🤩 My favorite times of each day are greeting my children in the morning and ending the day at the table with my husband.

🎨 Five things I do every day are: take vitamins, stretch, use essential oils, eat vegetables, and worship God.

💫 One truth I always return to is God has good plans for my life-and that’s worth living for. 

🙌🏼 The strength I walk in, is only a reflection of the degree of God’s love I’ve encountered. 

🎉 At 32, I’ve resolved to live amongst, and beyond the misunderstanding of others. People’s misunderstanding has never defined me, because they didn’t create me. The present charge is to not hold it against them. Only there may I truly set sail. 

Photo note: This is ME! Nervous laughing my way through “posing”. 
