Wholly Healthy exists to serve you. It doesn't matter how old you are, whether you are a new or expecting mom, if you are years into your pursuit of health, or if you've never heard of "whole health". We will help you develop your personal vision for health and coach you to live toward your goals. Read on to discover people like you, whose health is being transformed because they said yes!

Keri is an amazing coach. She communicates so well and works hard in helping one become successful on their health journey. She is passionate about helping people succeed in health and wellness and is eager to pour into those looking to her for coaching! I love having coach keri as my coach!
— Katie R.

Wholly healthy with coach Keri has been incredible! She’s a great listener, trustworthy with your personal information and incredibly encouraging. She’s helped me make personal and spiritual health goals, learn new meals to make, grocery shop, weigh in with her weekly and encourage me along the way. You will not be disappointed!
— Lindsay K.

Coach Keri with Wholly Healthy has an amazing gift for helping people see what they are capable of at that moment in their lives. She helped me make reasonable goals and cheered me on while I worked towards achieving them. She also provided me with nutritional and spiritual information that enables transformation for all aspects of your life. I struggle with discipline and Keri encouraged me as I accomplished even the smallest goals we had set. Keri has a kind and gentle nature that gives you hope as you learn new ways to live healthier both in body and spirit.
— Cat P.

Wholly Healthy was truly a blessing! Walking with Coach Keri brought new habits and convictions that will be with me forever. I am so grateful for all that I have learned and what it has done for me, my family, and hopefully future generations. Wholly Healthy has meant awareness and focus for me. It has encouraged me to be diligent in protecting me and my family.
— Denitra J.

I was confused, critical, and exhausted. I thought I had some answers and some reasons but I couldn’t put the pieces together long enough to see how they went or what beautiful picture they made! Coach Keri helped steer and educate me to see a picture of hope, worth, and freedom. Purpose and beauty. The importance of connecting all the pieces and seeing myself wholly healthy!
— Cashmir M.
The changes that I went through with Keri through all of my sessions were so valuable and priceless. It changed the way that I think about myself, the way that I think about food, and the way that I parent. My day-to-day life was changed because of my sessions with Keri.
— Sara S.

I received so much freedom from my time spent with Coach Keri, and the tools to stay free. She encouraged me even when I didn’t accomplish my action steps. She was a cheerleader not a task master. During my Wholly Healthy experience I spent 100% more of my time focused on goals that I didn’t know how to set before now. I know how to set realistic goals now and work towards them. Of the sessions I got to choose, my favorites were “Get your Veggies” and “Market Trip: Substitutions”. I learned to read ingredients and the value of stewardship. Before, I only focused on losing weight and now it’s easier to see that it is all connected. I completely quit drinking cokes and created a culture in my home that I love. I now have dinner with my daughter on a regular basis and say my “I am” statements over us. This helps me to value myself and care more about the things that go in my spirit, soul, and body.
— Samantha S.

If you have a goal that you want to set, Coach Keri is not only able to help you set those goals and pursue those goals, but she helps you to know what is the root of the things that are preventing you from obtaining those goals.
— Rosie L.

This program would be beneficial at anytime in life over and over again; to manage weight, change habits or any other thing.
— Miranda B.

On our first session I shared my heart with Coach Keri and I was completely honest. I was done running and hiding. I was tired of feeling shameful. Once I shared my story with Coach Keri, I felt so much peace, a peace I hadn’t felt in such a long time. I was transformed and inspired each time we met. I was challenged to go out of my comfort zone, set goals and make the adjustments necessary to create permanent change. I gained my confidence back and I took control of my health. I overcame fear, I learned to lean on God for strength and comfort. I learned to love myself again. I know I’m on my way to healing, and it began in my soul. The rest is coming, I have the tools to succeed and with patience and perseverance I will get there.
— Miriam R.

I was excited when I received the Wholly Healthy package as a gift, but didn’t really know what to expect. I honestly thought it would be about nutrition and weight loss. Little did I know, I was about to begin a 7-week journey of life-changing transformation led by an inspired, gifted and amazing coach, Keri. I was challenged by the self-reflection built into the sessions that led to big desires and attainable goals, ultimately impacting my self-perception of body, soul, and spirit. I became self-loving, a more patient and effective parent, and eager to provide better nutritional options for my family. There wasn’t a single session where I didn’t leave inspired to accomplish my goals and become wholly healthy. My last session concluded in discovering my purpose and vision in the kingdom of God. Coach Keri and Wholly Healthy will transform your life and set you on a path for greatness in every part of your life. Just DO IT!
— Sara S.

Wholly Healthy is my new favorite company! :) The knowledge that Coach Keri shared with me over our four sessions has touched so many aspects of my life. And not just mine - I feel like I’ve been able to pass on tidbits of wisdom from Keri to friends and family when health topics arise (as they often do!). After being coached by Keri, I’m so much more educated about ingredients, I have the tools to determine the best products for our family, and I’ve started and maintained an exercise plan. I know what should be organically grown and when it’s fine to buy conventional. We’re even eating out less to avoid ingredients used by restaurants that we’re trying to replace. Even my kids have picked up healthier eating habits and awareness when we grocery shop and cook. With the olive oil-based dressing that Keri recommended, my girls are eating salad at almost every meal! And I feel confident that I’m helping to nourish their little bodies. All of this knowledge has come with lots of encouragement from Keri. But what I appreciate most about Keri is her love for the Lord. She is bringing him glory through her work by helping her clients honor God with their bodies. Wow. Wholly Healthy and Coach Keri - you are a gift!!
— Laurin W.

Keri is vibrant and ready to change people’s lives! She made this drastic change easy and exciting!
— Allison H.

She has such a calm, loving demeanor that makes everyone she meets feel accepted and valued.
— Laurin W.

Keri is prepared, vigilant and thorough!
— Sarah C.

I would not have been able to begin my health journey without the help of Wholly Healthy. With the help of Keri Woods, my knowledge and confidence about the foods and drinks I choose has grown substantially. Now I’m able to go out on my own and choose healthy, nutritious meals for me and my family. I’m also able to have new habits because of the goals we set. This program was a God sent!
— Victoria J.

Keri is helpful without judging. She understood how to be sensitive to my family’s needs with our budget.
— Allison H.

Coach Keri was able to bring certain old thinking to my attention during our sessions, that caused me to reevaluate my lifestyle and food choices.
— Sarah C.

Keri is full of grace. She encourages me and loves me when I don’t live up to my own expectations and that helps me to not give up.
— Rosie L.

During my Wholly Healthy experience I spent 100% more of my time focused on goals that I didn’t know how to set before now. I know how to set realistic goals now and work towards them.
— Samantha S.

Wholly Healthy Clients Experience

Has Wholly Healthy had an impact on your life? Please tell us about it.