We believe the human soul contains the mind, will, and emotions. We believe the body follows the instructions of the soul and the soul can be renewed by God's spirit working through the spirit of a person. 

As he thinketh in his heart, so is he. (Proverbs 23:7, KJV)

Someday you'll receive a new body and a new soul to match up with your new spirit. Until then, it's your soul and body that are in the process of change, not your spirit. (Wommack, A. (2010). Spirit, Soul & Body, pg. 19)

This trinity of spirit, soul, and body may be partially illustrated by a light bulb. Within the bulb which can represent the total man there are electricity, light, and wire. The spirit is like the electricity, the soul-the light, and body-the wire. Electricity is the cause of the light. While light is the effect of electricity, wire is the material substance for carrying the electricity as well as for manifesting the light. The combination of spirit and body produces soul, that which is unique to man. As electricity carried by the wire is expressed in light, so spirit acts upon the soul and the soul in turn expresses itself through the body. (Nee, W. (1968). The Spiritual Man, ch. 5)

The heart, the seat of your emotions is the pump that sends that life throughout your whole being. That could mean that if you are wrong in your emotions, you are wrong everywhere. If you do not have your emotions under control, your whole person will be affected. (Sumrall, L. (1995). Spirit Soul & Body, p. 93)

A lot of people eat based on how they are feeling emotionally, what they are thinking, or how they are striving to look. If your food and drink choices are driven by unrest in your soul, or you are unaware of your thoughts and emotions when choosing what and when to eat, poor choices are made and unhealthy habits form. Prioritize health in your soul and your body transformation will follow.

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