Get Ready

No three people’s lives have caused more growth and development for me as a woman than these three influencers. Their respective arrivals gently cascaded me into the center of my whole health (spirit, soul, body) path. They are heaven’s reward to me and my husband, and I earnestly live to become the mother they need-to train them toward fulfilling the purpose God planned for their lives.

When I became pregnant with my first born son it was like an arrow started arising from the depths of my being forming a point to find the target for my existence. I recognized before being 8 weeks pregnant there was a call from God to answer. A call that would propel me into hundreds of personal, (some immediate) adjustments. The transitions that followed are my all-time favorite to date. They set the trajectory for the powerful lives we’re now living as a family, five years later. I had no pre-determined intention of making specific changes, frankly I didn’t have the inspiration, conviction, or knowledge. This is some of the reason why I say “my children’s lives have made me so much better and advanced our lifestyle for good”.

In my first pregnancy I read and read and read. I prayed and prayed and prayed. I rested and rested and rested. I took my pregnancy very seriously and applied a level of gentleness to my frame that surely impacted my growing child. When I became pregnant there were many new beginnings. I began taking supplements every day. I began drinking more water. I began eating less “dessert”. I began detoxing my home of all toxic chemicals. I began distilling our nutrition lifestyle of fake foods. I began to learn about the prenatal process. I began to dream about my child’s destiny and how to nurture every aspect of their health. I began to realize I could only lead them where I’ve gone or been. I began to study the Bible for all scriptures pertaining to children. I began to think through a generational lens. I began to fight for the health of their bloodline. I began to learn about labor and delivery. I began to learn about infancy. I began to learn about child development. I began to learn about the gift of children. I began to learn about my role in the home as mother…and so much more.

In order to begin any of these things I had to obtain new knowledge and understanding. I also needed wisdom for how to apply the things I learned. When I think of serving parents-to-be and offering them any of the best that I’ve gained my heart soars.

If you’re a mommy-to-be or parents in preparation to meet your child go all in. Be brave and say yes to becoming new in all ways for the sake of your family. Pursue any help you need for healing and freedom. Become fierce about your own parental equipping. Cherish the opportunity to prepare to raise a child. Rejoice for all the support you can receive.

Becoming a parent is a huge adjustment. There is an entire spectrum of how people respond to the life change of becoming a parent but I believe all could agree it’s a huge adjustment. Stay front-footed and eager in your preparation. It’s not too late or too soon! Get ready for your gift.
