A Way Out

God is the Creator of all, and everything in the earth belongs to Him. He knew the number of days you would live in the earth before you were yet born. He knew you first, then knit you in your mother’s womb. He released you with life, at such a time as this, into the earth when you were physically conceived. He wrote destiny and unique purpose into you, then activated the germinal stage of your cellular beginning. His formation of you was secondary to His creation of you.

“The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure” (1 Corinthians 10:13, NLT).

God always gives us a way out. Sometimes His invitations are quiet, sometimes they’re loud.

But He always gives us a way out.

A way out of hating those who have terminated innocent life. A way out of hating those who persuade others to terminate innocent life.

A way out of hating the people who say your final choice was wrong. A way out of hating yourself for the decision(s) you’ve made. A way out of resenting those who pour disapproval onto your broken heart. A way out of the guilt of aborting a child. A way out of the pain of irreversible loss. A way out of the turmoil from the unending questioning, “what would life be like if I hadn’t________?”

A way out of the shame you feel for contemplating your options. A way out of the regret of conception. A way out of the despair of broken dreams. A way out of confusion about a resolution. A way out of fearing a choice. A way out of fearing to ask.

A way out of doubting your parental abilities. A way out of raising the child (if incapable). A way out of lack, to provide for your child’s needs. A way out of selfish constructs that hinder life. A way out of a dangerous lifestyle. A way out of a toxic relationship. A way out of thinking abortion is necessary.

And a way out of hating this topic, these words, or the person typing them.

@UnplannedMovie is a modern-day act of radical courage. It is one depiction of the corrupt mission of abortion and exposes a company entangled in deception. Planned Parenthood includes this direct quote in their website: “Abortion is a safe way to end a pregnancy. Get the facts about the abortion pill and in-clinic abortion”. (2019, April 16). Retrieved from https://www.plannedparenthood.org/.

Abortion affects two lives, killing one.

This is not a public expression targeting women’s rights, criticizing how women steward their sexuality, or minimizing the experiences of the female reproductive system.

We are concerned that specific people of influence are misusing their authority by promoting abortion to a vulnerable population: pregnant women who are looking for a way out of having a child. Our charge is not to stand against people and their choices-God created the free will and the people, so we won’t fight against either-but against the mission of abortion and its attempt to convince carriers of created life.

God gives us all a way out

