
So, in most locations, it’s warmer weather than the other seasons of the year, ya? Okay, and warmer weather tends to invite less clothing, right? Okay, and less clothing oftentimes reveals more about the shape of our bodies, and the color, quality and tone of our skin, correct? Wooh do you feel vulnerable even reading that? Like you immediately became subjected to the examination of society, the people around you, or yourself?

Well, you’re not alone. Even the most secure and disciplined people can be affected by the swarming body image pressures. These pressures cause people to feel intimated or motivated during this season of the year to live different in order to look different. But this intensity and focus tends to be short-lasting, not grounded in healthy lifestyle habits but temporary choices to accomplish a short-term goal.

Wholly Healthy is committed to breaking the power of shame. It doesn't matter how it tries to come on people, we refuse to partner with it. So we don’t shame anyone whose motive to eat better is to look better. And Wholly Healthy is not opposed to the value of external beauty, losing weight, or pursuing a desired body shape.

The Wholly Healthy way includes the value of whole health, and one practice of whole health is giving love, honor, and consistency from our soul to our body. This may sound weird to you because many haven't taken the time to listen and realize there is a relationship that exists between our souls and bodies. We build strength into this existing relationship by celebrating, congratulating, thanking, and blessing versus hiding, rejecting, abusing, and disapproving. If one's motivation to change their looks is based on achieving something connected to external pressure or people's perceptions, the result can be: feeling divided and hurt within. This occurs when we knowingly or unknowingly make agreement with self-rejection or self-disapproval over the course of a series of choices. Rebuilding your soul-body relationship is one choice away and it is possible!

Wholly Healthy begins a sale today. The sale is called “Summer Start”. This name represents a new beginning that can start now for a health journey that can live beyond the end of summer. When you invest in your whole health it is possible to enjoy immediate AND long-term benefits as well as the manifestation of inward and outward beauty!

Discount Code: SUMMERSTART
