Wholly Healthy

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3, 2, 1 (Part 2)

Each person’s stewardship of their health can be such a beautiful, artistic expression of their values, convictions, and needs. I’ve longed for people to share with me their daily stewardship practices to nurture their health. And I’ve learned to give to others what I long for. So, how do I nurture my whole health in practical ways? Firstly, by recognizing my three-part being: spirit, soul, and body and training my mind to constantly recognize the order and rhythms necessary for nurturing my whole being. Another thing I do is regularly measure my health, so I am privy of areas that need extra care. Then I honor those areas with a timely and appropriate response.

It’s important to establish daily whole health habits that can coincide with daily responsibilities. I continue my journey of establishing, adjusting, and practicing. As of now, I receive from the bible before I get out of bed daily. I pray daily. I clap and sing and dance in worship daily. I humble myself daily. I forgive daily. I ask God questions daily. I practice mental exertion, redirection, reflection, and rest daily. I hug and kiss my family daily. I tell my family I love them daily. I say thank you daily. I acknowledge and work with my emotions daily. I confront relational discord in my marriage daily. I discipline my children to give honor, respect, and celebration away to others, daily. I communicate with my friends daily. I organize my steps, my words, my responsibilities, and my goals daily. I exert myself physically and stretch every day. I prioritize being asleep for a combined 6-8 hours daily. I consume whole, clean, organic food daily. I graze and eat small portions of nutrient dense foods every 3-4 hours daily. I drink 60-70 ounces of water daily. I take excellent supplements daily. I utilize essential oils internally, topically, and aromatically daily. I prioritize my personal hygiene daily. I use non-toxic products on and around me daily.

I also involve others and allow them to have a role in nurturing my whole health. I receive support from others who pray in faith for healing and restoration for my soul and body. I receive regular massage and chiropractic care to correct and relieve my body. I receive counsel from a world-class obstetrician who I honor. I receive excellent teaching from a loving pastor. I receive constant relationship and care from extremely supportive parents. I receive love and encouragement from a few faithful friends. I receive physical help from a willing mommy’s helper. I receive affection and prayer from my amazing children. And I receive strength and leadership (and so many other things) from an astonishingly generous husband.

When the “failure” alarm steals air from my chest, when good intention crosses into striving and my energy is gone, and when God’s plan is different than mine, my only refuge is to breathe, let go of what I’m gripping, and encounter God’s love. This is what gives me the strength to persevere, adjust if necessary, refocus, and continue. I embrace Jeremiah, Asher, and Willow and marvel at their “growing together”. The prosperity of soul, body, and relationship within my home is a reflection of God’s grace and help for me and my husband, and the lives of each of our children. Now we charge on to discover what 4 is like with our first born!

For parents or those interested in reading what having three babies, in three consecutive years has really looked like for me and my husband, read on.