Wholly Healthy

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When it comes to health, the majority of people place dominant focus on their body, overlooking their spirit and soul. This is a societal and cultural problem Wholly Healthy is determined to improve. This erred focus is costly to generations. Health must be evaluated considering the whole person; spirit, soul, and body. This is how God created each of us-as triune beings-to exist with one spirit, one soul, and one body. God’s order is for our spirit to rule our entire being, and our soul to be the merging place between our spirit and body. There is complete purpose in this divine order and it is for our good.

These ideas may be new for you to hear, but I assure you they are found in the Word of God (the Bible) which is the precedence for Truth and design for all humanity. We are existing in God’s order when our spirit transmits its thought to our soul, and our soul exercises our body to obey our spirit’s order. Our spirit can only rule if it is alive in Christ, reconciled to connection with God. “But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.” Ephesians 2:4-5 (NIV)

The soul contains the mind, will, and emotions and when it is submitted to the spirit it can be used to direct the body for good! If we let our soul rule our being, we cannot utilize our spirit-where we receive God’s instruction. If we let our body rule our being, we cannot utilize God’s instruction from our spirit, or utilize our mind, will, or emotions from our soul. It’s important we understand this to truly walk in whole health.

In the nutrition and fitness fields it’s common for people to be encouraged to manage their body health by way of habits: exercising, eating, drinking, supplementing, sleeping, etc. Many people say this, “Well, I feel better (in my soul) when my body looks better, so my goals are to change my body.” Deriving soul satisfaction from body accomplishments will only bring delay to whole health. When soul issues are ignored while the body is driven into new routines and restrictions, long-term victory over any health challenge is unlikely.

My beloved pastor says regularly “whenever we don’t know the value of something (or someone), abuse is inevitable.” This wisdom has changed my life and challenged me to become a steward who doesn’t commit abuse due to neglect. In my twenties I decided I could no longer live victimized by an ungoverned soul. It was time for me to become a steward and begin living according to God’s order-ruled by my spirit. Living governed by my spirit is my ultimate test, yet the key to whole health victory.

Wholly Healthy is committed to introducing big concepts but even more, providing practical tools. This is because the becoming for us all is in the minutia of life, in the thousands of choices we make every day. Wholly Healthy’s vision is to see people understand, value, and practice whole health in their daily lives.
·      Understand whole health in light of God’s design, for us to operate in this order: spirit, soul, body. From here, we learn how to live from spirit, inspired by God, heeding His instruction, and responding to conviction in our spirit.
·      Value whole health by investing time, energy, attention, and resource into each facet of personal health: spirit, soul, body.
·      Practice whole health through daily soul and body disciplines lead by your spirit, thus creating inner fortification and outer momentum. 
Our soul and body are healthiest when governed by our spirit. We can’t overlook investing in each facet of our being and expect to walk in whole health. In my next blog I’ll share helpful steps to develop personal vision for whole health. I will also expound the foundation of Wholly Healthy’s whole health statement.

Wholly Healthy’s Whole Health Statement:
When I live inspired by God
I see life-filled vision for my health. 
I establish boundaries to help me practice daily disciplines,
that will transform my soul and body into my spirit-inspired vision.