Wholly Healthy

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Our Role

A dear friend and member of the Wholly Healthy community recently shared with me that she is walking through a time where she simply has to trust God's faithfulness to accomplish certain things in her life and on her behalf. 

This may be a simple step but not a simple process, as this position invites us to discover our role in the transformation. Walking with God is not all God and none of us, or all of us and none of God. If we find ourselves operating in either of those ways we've become distracted from the "with" concept. It's necessary we learn how to walk fully in our role and take the responsibility we are accountable for-no more or less. 

We all have goals we keep in our hearts and minds, connected to various aspects of our lives. When we pursue living toward those goals we confront battles related to ourselves, others, or the world. But the battle related to ourselves is the most personal. One personal battle is between the familiar-the patterns we have trained our affection, hope, and expectations to reside within, and the new. This arena of change in transformation is where many people stop, because fear, anxiety, need, and insecurity can enter into our awareness when we refuse to put our affection, hope, and expectations in familiar structures. Many would rather not feel this intensity or vulnerabilty so they continue practicing the same patterns and habits rather than pursue change. And that's okay. Because change is risky. Change can include loss and pain. But it can also accelerate us into better.

Winning Wednesdays at Wholly Healthy focus on how to win personal battles within transformation not with self-hatred, performance or zeal, but with courage, forgiveness, love, Truth, and grace. We withhold criticizing anyone's willingness to change but instead become their champion.  This scripture helps remind us of our role, "Yet, O LORD, You are our Father; We are the clay, and You our Potter, And we all are the work of Your hand.” ISAIAH‬ ‭64:8‬. Our Father knows us completely and He loves us. He made us, all. He knows our frame and our weaknesses. He knows our longings. He knows where we want to be, and our current displeasure. He knows the purpose He had in making each of us. He is just as patient as He is inspirational. He is a good Daddy. He walks with us. He fulfills His role and teaches us ours on this journey of transformation. 

So, that habit you can't seem to break, that negative pattern you don't want to end, that bad decision you make day after day....pause. For a moment, release the tension you've built up towards yourself and the frustration thoughts you've memorized. Take a deep breath. And ask God... 

1) What is in my heart that is motivating me to continue choosing to_____________________? 

2) How do I currently perceive my ability to change?

3) What is the biggest fear I face in releasing the familiar structures and letting You rebuild me and my ways?

When you ask God these questions, listen for His response. Remember, He made you. And don't forget, the Bible is filled with His responses. 

For me the process has had this sort of progression: until I knew God's love for me I didn't have the security to embrace myself among my weaknesses. Until I knew God's faithfulness to me I didn't have the strength to change. And until I knew God's purpose for me I didn't have the courage to become the whole woman He planned for me to be.